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Model Railway Journal
Model Railway Journal
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 124,95
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Model Railway Journal Abonnement

There is truly nothing like watching a scaled-down model of beautiful trains rolling across mini tracks through miniature trees, tunnels, and landscapes, which is why the railroad modelling scene is considered to be one of the greatest features of the modelling world. Each modeller takes keen precision and strong passion for creating these intensely wonderfully models with fully functional trains, and therefore Model Railway Journal is the greatest magazine to compensate for this love and passion for rail modelling. If you have ever wanted to make your own model trains and railroads, or if you are just looking for new ideas and projects, than Model Railway Journal will provide you with everything that you have ever needed or wanted to know about this fascinate sphere of modelling. It is catered for both beginners and experts, and is full of expert tips, techniques, and professional advice to help you improve your modelling skill and take your model trains and railroads to the next level.

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