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National Enquirer Magazine Alt Text Alt Text National Enquirer Magazine
National Enquirer Magazine Alt Text Alt Text National Enquirer Magazine
National Enquirer Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 52 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 424,95
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National Enquirer Magazine Abonnement

Spicy gossips and in depth news from behind the headlines, defines the National Enquirer magazine. With 52 breathtaking issues per year, National Enquirer is the preferred choice of everyone when it comes to sensational news items and hottest gossip. The magazine has most intriguing content with in depth investigation that is done by the special team of investigators who dig the scoops deeper to bring the scandalous truth. Apart from celebrity news and gossips, the magazine also interestingly reports crime investigations and medical breakthrough. The candid camera captures the real stars in their most natural attire. The news articles and true or false tittle-tattle would surely give you a lot to share and talk about in your friend circle.

National Enquirer Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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