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New Internationalist Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
New Internationalist Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 10 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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New Internationalist Magazine Abonnement

The magazine covers the issues that are challenging and carries international concern. The multi award winning magazine is respected globally for its unique reporting of the events and intelligent analysis of the issues. It takes initiative to awaken public about the injustice and inequality, poverty and power. The insightful articles and stories about global concerns may shock you with facts and figures as the magazine strives to bring the true picture that may be good, bad or ugly. The magazine marks its excellence with brilliant write ups and superior pictures reflecting real scenarios. The all colored high quality pages of the New Internationalist magazine would have essential information in a crisp and easy to read format. The magazine also highlights the positive changes and presents the most appropriate solutions to some of the major issues.

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