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Philosophy Now Magazine Philosophy Now Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Philosophy Now Magazine Philosophy Now Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Philosophy Now Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 49,95
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Philosophy Now Magazine Abonnement

The magazine emphasizes on the idea of philosophical existence of everything. Moreover, the magazine has strong reputation to make people convinced that philosophy can be extremely exciting and innovative way to life. It features interesting article and arguments to explore the philosophical side of biggest questions about specific condition, human emotions, and general characteristics. Philosophy is an interesting idea to understand all the occurrences with a more analytical and highly practical view. The team of great thinkers and correspondent brings very relevant topical arguments in the most convincing way. The magazine serves as a most reliable source of philosophical information to enlighten students of philosophy for making academic reports while it provides interesting and thought stirring read to everyone. You can subscribe the Philosophy Now magazine to get each and every new issue of the magazine to be conveniently delivered to you. Subscribe the magazine and you would never miss any interesting philosophical idea to entertain or inspire you.

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Asensio - 19-02-2021 12:35

Very interesting, little advertising
Varied and fairly easy to read articles.

Translated from French. Original text:
Très intéressant, peu de publicité.
Des articles variés et assez faciles à lire.