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Pick Me Up Magazine Pick Me Up Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Pick Me Up Magazine Pick Me Up Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Pick Me Up Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 52 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 284,95
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Pick Me Up Magazine Abonnement

Pick Me Up is weekly women magazine to bring loads of real life stories in most interesting way. Pick Me Up is an appropriately named magazine as you would find it extremely difficult to get off it once you pick it up. Catering the need of women to be entertained with a dash of reality, the magazine has innumerous stories that may be bizarre, surprising and wild but they all have reality as a common ingredient. The tone and treatment of the magazine is very light hearted and intriguing even though the featured stories may include some sober topics of baby swapping, running away from a killer and how I lost 8 pounds etc. These stories do entertain but also educate and alerts you to be safe and extra cautious in life. The featured stories are generally posted by real people from all over the world. The proficient team of editors selects the best stories to be featured that are inspiring and enlightening.

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