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Powerboat & RIB Magazine
Powerboat & RIB Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 7 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 79,95
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Powerboat & RIB Magazine Abonnement

Powerboat & RIB Magazine is the largest UK Magazine dedicated to the world of power boating and water sports. Published with some 140 pages of highest quality full colour articles and features, the Magazine's content includes; boat tests, multiple equipment reviews, cruising and events reports, features on boat handling and specialist subjects, industry news, professional reports, leading interviews plus a whole lot more! PBR is widely known for being the best read of its genre. Brutally honest, daring and entertaining, its content is written by the world's most renowned experts and journalists. PBR is the first boating Magazine to debut 3D technology on the printed page.

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