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Record Collector Magazine Record Collector Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Record Collector Magazine Record Collector Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Record Collector Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 144,95
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Record Collector Magazine Abonnement

Record Collector – RC to our friends – is Britain’s longest-running rock and pop music monthly. There’s a reason for that. Our motto is “Serious about music”, because we know our readers are totally passionate about what they listen to. Not that RC is po-faced: we love the thrills and spills of rock’n’roll as much as any veteran roadie. But we think that if you’re serious enough about music to read a magazine dedicated to it, then you deserve one that goes as deep as you do. Although it started as purely a magazine for vinyl fans, and while a love of building an enviable, valuable and unique collection is still at the heart of what we do, you don’t have to be a vinyl freak to love Record Collector. We pride ourselves on bringing you the best features about music on the planet, with artist interviews, discographies and all the inside knowledge that only RC can deliver.

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