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Royal Life Magazine
Royal Life Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 89,95
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Royal Life Magazine Abonnement

Hello and welcome to Royal Life Magazine, a fantastic title following on from our popular series of magazines celebrating Royal Britain. Royal Life will concentrate on superb picture-packed features on what our most popular Royals have been doing lately, from tours of the commonwealth to movie premieres, from charity events to celebrating holidays and everything in between. Whether you are a devout Royalist or just a fan of our celebrated monarchy, we are confident you will find that Royal Life is just the title for you. It fills a gap in the market at a time when the general public's interest in the lives of our Royal family has never been greater. Available as an annual subscription of six issues, also available as a single issue. Sold in newsstands across the globe, with worldwide delivery available, this fabulous magazine is ideal for anyone with an interest in Royal life.

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