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Runner's World (UK) Magazine Runner's World (UK) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Runner's World (UK) Magazine Runner's World (UK) Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Runner's World (UK) Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 124,95
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Runner's World (UK) Magazine Abonnement

In the pages of Runner’s World the best in the sports science business come together to give up-to-the-minute advice on the latest techniques, programmes, treatments and technology to get those lap times tumbling. Learn to train smarter and race better with a subscription. Join the thousands of complete beginners and seasoned pros who read every month to get the latest news, advice, event information and interviews from the world of running. Unless you’re Forrest Gump, you probably won’t be able to just wake up one morning and decide you can run all day everyday without getting tired – nor play American Football or table tennis at the highest level for that matter. But given the right guidance and motivation, you can certainly improve your fitness and performance levels to become a better athlete.

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