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Scientific American Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
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Scientific American Magazine

Science Is The Cruise To Astute Destination

Being the oldest continuously publishing monthly magazine in the United States, Scientific American Magazine has provided trustworthy science stories to many generations. Its popularity increased through the articles of many famous scientists including Albert Einstein. The magazine publishes scientific discoveries, breakthroughs and convincing theories which help you to cultivate rational thinking and curiosity. Subscription to Scientific American magazine is a doorway to access all the trending news regarding the scientific matters around you and helps you to navigate the conversation.

This monthly magazine has 12 issues in each year. The frequencies of the number of issues are subjected to change. All the subscriptions will end automatically at the end of the subscribed period and will be renewed unless you choose to.


  • Oldest reputed monthly publication in United States.
  • Scientific breakthroughs, discoveries and convincing theories.
  • Over 300 thousand active subscribers all around the world.
  • Better understanding about the trending scientific matters.
  • Develops rational thinking and curiosity.

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Toine Bots - 21-11-2019 20:56

Toine Bots - 27-09-2019 08:45
As a popular scientific journal, SA is ok. The articles are expertly written and at the same time in an accessible manner. Anyone with a successful HAVO education can follow the articles.

The magazine gives the, what was previously called the developed layman, an adequate and accessible introduction to the relevant scientific field, on which it can so desperately build on for a deeper introduction. For the scientifically educated reader it provides a quick, but adequate and clear overview of his or her unknown territory.

SA bridges the gap between professional journals on the one hand and the sometimes somewhat simple science supplements in newspapers and weekly magazines.

(translated from Dutch. Original review: Als populair wetenschappelijk tijdschrift is SA oké. De artikelen zijn deskundig geschreven en tegelijk op een toegankelijke manier. Eenieder met een met vrucht gevolgde HAVO opleiding kan de artikelen volgen. Het blad geeft de, wat vroeger ook wel de ontwikkelde leek werd genoemd, een adequate en toegankelijke inleiding in het betreffende wetenschapgebied, waarop deze zo gewild kan voortbouwen voor een verdiepte kennismaking. De wetenschappelijk gevormde lezer verschaft het een snelle, maar adequate en heldere overblik over hem of haar onbekend terrein. SA overbrugt het tussengebied tussen vaktijdschriften enerzijds en de soms wat "op de hurken" geschreven wetenschapsbijlagen in dagbladen en weektijdschriften.)