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Selvedge Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 159,95
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Selvedge Magazine Abonnement

The Selvedge magazine is a brilliant magazine that has brought back textiles and their use into the fashion trends of our time. It is a full-color magazine glossy that has a hundred pages of extreme creativity and innovation that can hardly be mastered by any other magazine. It is published six times a year and its forte is the use of brilliant photographs and images to portray a certain kind of design and detailing. It is also an independent magazine that targets a global and international readership, whose audience is of great benefit to the magazine. The magazine also greatly tries to influence the use of textiles in the global market and is a major power in setting the trends of the time. They cover a lot of fine textiles and come up with the greatest fabrics from all walks of life and out them into the context of fashion, interiors and other important collections. Ethnographic collections travel and shopping experiences make up for the important facets that the magazine focuses on.

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