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Sleeper Magazine Sleeper Magazine
Sleeper Magazine Sleeper Magazine
Sleeper Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 249,95
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Sleeper Magazine Abonnement

A subscription to Sleeper Magazine brings you six stunning issues per year of the very best work in international hotel design, development and architecture. Each bi-monthly issue in a subscription to Sleeper Magazine is filled from front to back with exclusive coverage of the hottest new locations, the latest openings and penetrative interviews and profiles of the biggest names in the business. The hotel industry is one of the fast growing sectors worldwide, with new developments and many new trends launched in the industry all the time. A subscription to Sleeper Magazine includes all latest news, in depth and informative features, exclusive and interesting interviews, authoritative and independent reviews, essential and expert advice. Along with all these essential elements the Magazine also contains stunning and fascinating photographs.

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