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Slimming World Magazine Slimming World Magazine
Slimming World Magazine Slimming World Magazine
Slimming World Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 7 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 69,95
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Slimming World Magazine Abonnement

This is one of the highest selling magazines presented to you by the leading slimming club network, known as the Slimming World. For every woman out there, this is the perfect magazine for you. It gives you the best tips to reduce your weight!People take up all sorts of methods to reduce body fat and have the perfect slim figure. The magazine brings you the best ideas to tone your body and sport the perfect figure! It can be hard to go on a diet, but we all know, it is the best method to reduce your body weight and have a healthy body! The magazine helps you to take the straight and narrow path to a healthier life. There are interesting and proper diet meal plans with all the issues of the Slimming World Magazine. The readers are made to realize how simple it is to maintain a diet and have a good health. Dieting does not mean you have to starve yourself, but you have everything in moderate quantities and that will do wonders to your waistline and your health.

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