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Stamp Collector Magazine Stamp Collector Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Stamp Collector Magazine Stamp Collector Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Stamp Collector Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 94,95
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Stamp Collector Magazine Abonnement

The perfect magazine for all the philatelists and numismatists (we had to look that one up) out there, Stamp & Coin Mart is aimed at those wishing to buy and/or sell. Each issue brings you all the news from the world of stamp and coin collecting, including new issuings, updates from the society scene and reviews of related books, as well as features aimed at those just getting started with the hobbies. There are great features on the history of famous stamps and coins, details of upcoming fairs auctions and exhibitions, and of course some great market insight for those trying to find a bargain (and it often includes free stamps or coins!).

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