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Storytime Magazine Storytime Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Storytime Magazine Storytime Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Storytime Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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Storytime Magazine Abonnement

Storytime is a magical new story magazine, perfect for storytelling in the classroom and filled with wonderful stories for little ones to read, share and enjoy. Storytime is mostly enjoyed by kids aged 3-6, but there really is something for everyone, including fairy tales, myths, poems, fables, and stories from around the world. Each month we highlight a classic children’s book, plus each issue contains storytelling tips and fun activities to bring the stories to life in class. As well as a great range of classic stories, Storytime is full of colourful, engaging illustrations, all specially commissioned from talented illustrators from all over the world. It’s also printed on durable high quality paper so you can go back to favourite stories time and time againIf you represent a school, love stories, and feel passionately about encouraging children to read for pleasure, then Storytime is right for you!

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