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Strike-It! Magazine
Strike-It! Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 109,95
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Strike-It! Magazine Abonnement

Strike It is the leading and one of the most read sports journal all over the globe. It’s the most read and followed journal when the domain of sports especially football is under consideration. This magazine has readers from all age group, but it especially attracts young boys’ and girls’ especially those who caresses especial interest for football. The magazine provides with a large number of color full images, posters of popular sports personalities and photographs which are equally exciting proposition for its readers and strike its followers. It publishes sports quizzes and gives tips on scoring eye catching scintillating goals something young footballers would love. They publish interviews of popular footballers which is add-on for football enthusiast like meIf you are a crazy follower of the game like me then you will love strike it magazine as it provides you with football news from all corners of the globe.

Strike-It! Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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