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Table Top Gaming Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Table Top Gaming Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 157,50
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Table Top Gaming Magazine Abonnement

Covering all the latest in both board and miniature gaming is an exciting quarterly for any lover of non-digital gaming. Outside of the suffocating confines of family Christmas monopoly there is an entire world of alternative gaming fun to be had! From innovative new board games based on popular and new properties, to historical miniature games and hobby gaming and beyond. Each issue has informative articles on the current state of Table Top Gaming as well as in-depth reviews of new games on the market to provide ideas on where your next game night will take you and your friends. Not limited to the casual gamer just looking for a new game to try, there is also coverage of clubs and the gaming scene. Sensible ads focus purely on offering advice on where traders of the products featured can be found. A sensible quarterly for the hobby of Table Top Gaming this is a high-quality title for casual and hardcore purveyors and board and miniature gaming.

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