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Taste of the South Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 7 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 59,95
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Taste of the South Magazine Abonnement

Taste of the South, is filled with more than 60 wonderful recipes and delightful information on the South’s favorite foods. From selecting the freshest fruits and vegetables to learning from the region’s outstanding chefs, the topics found in Taste of the South cooking magazine make it an indispensable tool for cooks everywhere. The South sets itself apart with cuisine as rich in tradition as it is in taste. From simple lunchtime gatherings with a few close friends to elaborate backyard barbecues prepared for the extended family, there’s something about coming together over food that brings us closer to the ones we love. Celebrating the heritage of the South, Taste of the South invites readers to enjoy traditional Southern meals.

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