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Tattoo Life Magazine
Tattoo Life Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Italie
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This fantabulous body art and design magazine is the first one to score as the international tattoo art and culture magazine which is released twice a year. Tattooing is a wonderful art of decorating yourself and your body. It makes you feel good and confident. Where some people just do it for fun or to look cool and for some other people it may hold a great significance. Tattoo Life is such a magazine which enhances your tattoo ideas and brings out the best in you when it comes to an important decision of getting yourself tattooed because a tattoo is something the stays on with you forever. Compiling tattoo and body art designs, tips, tricks, tattoo care advises, celebrity tattoo designs and interviews from world’s leading tattoo and body art designing geniuses, this Tattoo Life magazine is a real guide for you to get yourself that gorgeous looking tattoo.

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