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TeaTime Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
TeaTime Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 69,95
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TeaTime Magazine Abonnement

TeaTime is designed to appeal to the growing market of tea lovers. This bimonthly publication highlights tearooms and their owners, providing tea party ideas and sharing enhancements to the enjoyment of tea. TeaTime is a source book for all who love tea and who want to enrich life with the serenity of teatime. The magazine proclaims the pleasures of tea as a gourmet beverage, and offers informative articles that range from food features to tearoom profiles. TeaTime goes beyond the history and science of the beverage and celebrates the art and passion that make drinking tea a memorable occasion.

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