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Teen Breathe Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Teen Breathe Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
Teen Breathe Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 69,95
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Teen Breathe Magazine Abonnement

Spin-off of its sister magazine Breathe, Teen Breathe magazine aims to bring a healthy more fulfilling lifestyle to younger readers. With a plethora of mindfulness and physical wellbeing magazines on the market for adults, Breathe found great success encouraging healthiness in its readers. Coming to the realisation that in todays fast paced modern world it is not just adults that can benefit from such advice as readers in their formative years also desire to direct themselves to best possible lifestyle. With Superb advice and help with anything from taking up yoga, to meditation and deciphering the meaning of dreams, Teen Breathe continues the tradition of Breathe for younger readers!

Teen Breathe Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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