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The Armourer Magazine
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The Armourer Magazine Abonnement

The Armourer is a bimonthly magazine is the bible of military enthusiasts. The magazine, which began publication in 1994, provides its readers with articles on armor, weaponry, insignia, uniforms, medals, and all things military. There is also coverage of military festivals, shows and exhibits at museums and historical battlefields. It does not matter which historical conflict or battle you have an interest in - it is likely to be covered in The Armourer. The glossy color publication has articles on military memorabilia from the Great War, World War II, Zulu War, Boer War and more. Check out the photos of bayonets and firearms and battle dress. There is a column called ‘Ask the Armourer’ where readers can submit questions about military items they have in their collections.

The Armourer Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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