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The New York Review of Books Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
The New York Review of Books Magazine Alt Text Alt Text Alt Text
The New York Review of Books Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 20 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
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The New York Review of Books Magazine Abonnement

The New York Review of Books is one of the premier and widely circulated cultural journal, published in the United States. This fortnightly magazine focuses on articles and subjects related to culture, literature and current affairs. The circulation is best known for its outstanding content written by some very established American and European English writers. The New York Review Magazine has been in circulation for more than five decades now. Almost all cultural and literary giants of the world often consider the journal to be very intellectual and classy. The magazine believes that at length discussion of books, art and cultural activities is an activity in itself. The major content of the magazine is essay length reviews of books and magazines. This is where one can find some new authors promoting their books and book reviews. Established American and European authors like Nadine Gordimer, Gore Vidal, Stephen Jay Gould, Oliver Sacks, Robert Stone, Joan Didion and V. S. Naipaul, and other pioneers are invited to write columns and book reviews.

The New York Review of Books Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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