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The Oldie Magazine The Oldie Magazine The Oldie Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
The Oldie Magazine The Oldie Magazine The Oldie Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
The Oldie Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 89,95
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The Oldie Magazine Abonnement

Founded by ex-Private Eye man Richard Ingrams, The Oldie is emphatically not a magazine about retirement. We recognise that what our readers want more than anything else is good writing and amusing articles on a wide variety of topics. It is for any independent-minded reader. Every month it brings you great writers such as Mavis Nicholson, Raymond Briggs, Ruth Rendell and Tom Stuttaford. As well as these and other equally famous and talented guests, there are contributions from people of whom you will not have heard. It is this unsolicited material - one reader's role in the sinking of the Scharnhorst, or the recounting of a chance meeting with Chuck Berry on a train - that makes it unique.

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