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The Poetry Review Magazine
The Poetry Review Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 89,95
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The Poetry Review Magazine Abonnement

For those who just love poetry, the Poetry Review magazine is certainly a must have and can be read by people of all age groups and all fields of life. First published in 1953, this amazing magazine is now an internationally acclaimed magazine and is related to all about poetry. This exclusive magazine is known to be the best in its world and its readers are found in all corners of the world. Bring a quarterly issued magazine in the months of March, June, September and December, each issue of this journal is unique and extravagantly laid out. It is among the best selling magazine in the poetry world and very popular especially among the regions of United Kingdom. Apart from poetry from famous poets, the magazine also shares many essays, reviews as well as comments, with its readers. For those who love writing and reading poetry, must soon grab a subscription of the amazing Poetry Review magazine, as it acts as a very helpful and indispensable guide for all newly aspiring writers and contemporary writers.

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