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The Railway Magazine
1 Commentaires | Ajouter un commentaire
Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 99,95
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The Railway Magazine Abonnement

The Railway Magazine is Britain's best-selling general interest rail title. Published continuously since 1897, it commands the utmost respect among professionals and enthusiasts for authoritative and informed news coverage. The Railway Magazine is renowned for its wide-ranging and innovative feature coverage, encompassing historical, nostalgic and overseas subjects as well as contemporary and controversial issues, in addition to superb pictorial content. Never miss an issue, subscribe today and ensure that you receive free delivery direct to your door every month!

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Jesper - 24-10-2019 03:59

If you like British trains, this is ideal for taking out a subscription. I liked this magazine very much. Unfortunately it now ends automatically for me, I don't know if I want to extend it. Brexit has absolutely nothing to do with it, because English magazines are independent. It should just be delivered.

(Translated from Dutch to English. Original review: Als je van Britse treinen houdt is dit ideaal om een abonnement op te nemen. Dit tijdschrift beviel mij uitstekend. Helaas loopt het bij mij nu automatisch af, ik weet niet of ik het wil ga verlengen. Brexit heeft totaal niets mee te maken, omdat Engelse bladen onafhankelijk zijn. Het zou gewoon geleverd moeten worden.)