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Total Tattoo Magazine Total Tattoo Magazine
Total Tattoo Magazine Total Tattoo Magazine
Total Tattoo Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
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Total Tattoo Magazine Abonnement

Total Tattoo is a UK magazine focused on providing all the best info on tattoos. This award-winning magazine you will find profiles of tattoo artists meet the owners of a tattoo company and see a gallery of tattoo designs. The excellence in editorial content and quality photos of tattoos brings awards to Total Tattoo. It brings you the world of tattooing in the UK. In the pages of Total Tattoo, you can meet tattoo artists like Shotsie Gorman owner of Sacred Rose Tattoo in Berkeley, California. Gorman has been in the practice of tattooing for over 33 years. In addition to tattooing, Gorman is a traditional artist doing sculpture and abstract paintings in watercolor or fine oil. His tattoo designs reflect his artistic background and expertise. He has also spent years in spiritual work such as meditation which he believes helps him in interpreting the perfect tattoo designs for people. He is known as an intuitive tattoo artist.

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