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Trout & Salmon Magazine Trout & Salmon Magazine
Trout & Salmon Magazine Trout & Salmon Magazine
Trout & Salmon Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 129,95
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Trout & Salmon Magazine Abonnement

Trout and Salmon Magazine has been the Voice of Game-Fishing since 1955. Every month the finest contributors in the sport deliver informative, inspirational and entertaining writing, offering sage advice on locations, tackle and tactics with beautiful photography. If you are searching for a new place to fish, Trout and Salmon's Fishing Reports are a collectable record of the state of Britain and Ireland's major game fisheries and have become an important archive for all fly-fishers. Trout and Salmon Magazine is also a forum for debate of the most contentious issues that dominate fly-fishing today.

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