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Vintage Rock Presents Magazine Vintage Rock Presents Magazine Vintage Rock Presents Magazine
Vintage Rock Presents Magazine Vintage Rock Presents Magazine Vintage Rock Presents Magazine
Vintage Rock Presents Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 4 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 84,95
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Vintage Rock Presents Magazine Abonnement

Vintage Rock Presents is a jam-packed celebration of all your 50s and 60s rock 'n' roll heroes. Each bumper quarterly issue takes an in depth look at the legacy of a different rockabilly icon, from Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard and Buddy Holly to The Beatles and of course, the King himself. In addition to these special features, each edition brings you bang up to date with current releases, tours and revivals of classic artists, as well as those musicians paying homage to these heroes.

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