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Viz Magazine Viz Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Viz Magazine Viz Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
Viz Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 10 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 69,95
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Viz Magazine Abonnement

Viz is surely a magazine for you if you have a great sense of humor and enjoy the funny captions over the funnier pictures. Viz magazine has been there since 1979 and ever since then it has hugely entertained its reader with quirky humor, nostalgic photographs, insane logics, top tips and funniest cartoon characters. The accomplishment of the magazine is determined by the very popular cartoon characters like Felix letterbocks, Sid the sexiest, Millie the foul mouthed man and fat slags. The regular features like Mr. logic and drunken baker and brown bottle adds to the total appeal of the magazine to present humor at its best. It often feature politicians and current affairs too but does not stands or make any statement. The magazine rather provides sheer humor and entertainment without making you learn about anything.

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