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VWt Magazine VWt Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
VWt Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 167,50
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VWt Magazine Abonnement

Much like its sister title, VW Camper & Bus magazine, VWt readers can look forward to an in-depth look at its namesake’s history, as well as enjoying a regular look at readers’ rides. For those that are Volkswagen Transporter enthusiasts and who are the proud owners of a T4 or T5 vehicle, a VWt magazine subscription is a must-have. A new magazine dedicated solely to T4s and T5s, VWt comprises features about both models as well as product reviews, shop tours and road tests. VWt magazine also proudly claims more than 32 pages of T4s and T5s than any other T4 & T5 Bus magazine on the shelves, and with a cover price of just £3. 95 there is no better value Camper magazine purchase you can make. So, if you want to savour 100s of pages dedicated to your favourite subject of VW Transporters, buckle up and head towards a VWt subscription today.

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