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What Car Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 13 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
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It's been Britain's biggest and best car buyer's guide for 40 years - it can only be What Car. While the range of models and technologies featured in What Car magazine has expanded enormously since the first issue back in 1973, the magazine's core aim hasn't changed. What Car helps readers to buy the right car at the right price, and to help ensure that there are no nasty surprises in store when you get it home. What Car provides all the pros and cons of every car in language you can understand; what to pay, where best to buy and the most sensible way of raising the cash. Each issue of the magazine also informs readers in how to keep their running costs down, has detailed insight into the soon-to-be-launched cars, news and first drives of the latest path-breaking models due to be launched, road-tests of newly launched engine-variants of the older cars and quality photographs.

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