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What's on TV Magazine What's on TV Magazine Alt Text Alt Text
What's on TV Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 51 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
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What's on TV Magazine Abonnement

What’s on TV Magazine is the UKs version of the US’s TV Guide and features everything you need to know what to watch, what times, and there are description of programs, movies and news relevant to the avid TV watcher. There are reviews about East Enders, Coronation Street and Hollyoaks. Neighbours and Emmerdale plus the X Factor and Waterloo Road are features every issue of What’s on TV Magazine. Read the latest news and gossip concerning a group of British actors who were nominated for the Emmy Awards. You also need to read the latest articles on the jury sworn in for Justin Lee Collins trial and Benedict Cumberbatch to play a Bond baddie (wow!), there are more articles on Martin McCutcheon marries “best friend” and read all about the X Factor. Tulisa confesses a sex attack horror in her book and you can read an excerpt in What’s on TV Magazine.

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