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When Saturday Comes (WSC) Magazine
When Saturday Comes (WSC) Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 12 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: Royaume-Uni
€ 109,95
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When Saturday Comes (WSC) Magazine Abonnement

When Saturday Comes is advertised as a “Half Decent Football Magazine. ” The magazine is full of articles and commentaries are a bit funny and “out-there” but they make the game of football not so serious – and much more enjoyable. When Saturday Comes Magazine discussed the game it remarked that Newcastle was an unhappy venue for Norwich City. Just a bit of casual commentary. Read more in the magazine about managers being “tipped” off by the media when a big job opening comes up. I guess this means that managers trade jobs all the time? You will also be able to read in “Shot” about the first home game for the Sons of the Rock in Dumbarton. Fashion statements are also included in When Saturday Comes Magazine and features photo spreads of jerseys with two-stripe sleeves and colorful and branded pants. Footballers just want to be noticed and be fashion conscious.

When Saturday Comes (WSC) Magazine acheter en France et en Belgique.

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