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Wine Maker Magazine
Wine Maker Magazine
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Abonnement annuel: 6 n° | Langue: Anglais | Pays d'origine: États-Unis
€ 69,95
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Wine Maker Magazine Abonnement

WineMaker Magazine is the leading publication for the winemaking hobby reaching over 100,000 readers each issue. Launched in 1998, WineMaker covers the full gamut of the winemaking hobby, from beginners to experts, from wine kits to fresh grapes, and is published bi-monthly. Every issue includes expert advice and techniques, award-winning recipes and how-to projects to help you make great wine. Regular columns include troubleshooting common problems with the Wine Wizard, learning special techniques and tips on making a specific style of wine in Varietal Focus, refining your winemaking with Techniques, building gadgets in Projects, growing your own grapes in Backyard Vines and hearing tips, and stories and recipes from fellow home winemakers in Cellar Dwellers. WineMaker gives you practical, well-researched information in a fun format for all home winemakers - whether you use kits, concentrates, juices, non-grape fruits or fresh grapes.

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